Maya Bright

Maya Bright - 2007 Girls ECNL 



Maya Bright

Name: Maya Bright

Birth Year: 2007

Current Team: 2007 Girls ECNL 

Years with Club: 2

Position: Forward

Tell us a little bit about your pathway? I started playing soccer at the age of four and instantly fell in love. Since the age of four, I knew soccer was the sport I wanted to play for the rest of my life. 

While I was playing soccer, I also did gymnastics and eventually, I had to choose one sport because it was too much. Sadly, I quit soccer for a year to pursue gymnastics full-time. I then learned that gymnastics wasn't for me and that I needed soccer in my life. So, I quit gymnastics and played soccer full time -- but I also had to deal with being behind and missing a whole year. 

What do you like about Playing for FC DELCO? Definitely the social aspect: at FC DELCO, we are a family and all of my teammates are like my sisters. I wouldn't trade that for the world! I also adore the opportunities DELCO has allowed me to pursue, such as the ECNL Selection Game and the USYNT Regional Camp. 

What Advice Would You Give Younger Players: Don't just pick a club for their team's talent and to be at their level of play. Choose a club where you feel at home and bond with the people around you. It is more important to connect with your teammates and coaches than to be the best and only play for yourself. 

"FC DELCO offers a great opportunity to become the best while creating amazing bonds with the people who are willing to push and challenge you to succeed." - Maya Bright