
Managers and Volunteers

FC DELCO Manager Resources

Hello and thank you for stepping up to be an FC DELCO Team Manager. You are very much a part of the FC DELCO experience for our families!

Here you’ll find answers to support you in your manager role. Our Operations staff is always here to help. If you ever have a question, please feel free to reach out to us!

Susan Hennelly, Operations Manager

Peye Garcia, DIrector of Operations

Susan Panacek, Director of Finance

Manager & Volunteer Onboarding

Clearances and Risk Management

Hello, managers! Thank you for stepping up to help. Whether you are new to the team manager role or a returning veteran, squaring away your clearances and risk management is the first place to start!

Pennsylvania mandates that all individuals working OR volunteering with children be cleared to do so. If you have volunteered for your child’s school or have obtained clearances for work or other volunteer activities, you may provide those results for the first three items below as long as they are valid. To be valid, clearances need to have been issued after July 31, 2020. The remaining three risk management items are required annually.

Step 1: Obtain your clearances and complete your risk management training:

You have been linked by our staff to your team’s GotSport account. As a result, the below tasks can be completed directly within your personal GotSport account – the same account you use to manage your team’s activities.  The User ID is your email address. CLICK HERE for instructions on how to access and complete requirements in GotSport.

GotSport Login

Alternatively, you can use the links below and then upload the completed documents to your account. Reminder: If you have current PA Child Abuse, PA Criminal Background Check and FBI clearances (issued after 7/31/20), you are ready to go with the first three items! If you do not have valid clearances, start here or use the links in your GotSport account. 


Step 2: Upload Everything to GotSport (if necessary) and Complete Final Item

  • If you used the above links instead of completing tasks within your GotSport account, upload completed documents using the GotSport Login link above. You do not need a special login, it’s your email address.
  • Here are step-by-step instructions and links on how to upload to GotSport
  • Complete the following final requirement within GotSport:
    • EPYS Risk Management Form

Once everything is uploaded and complete, please email the club’s Operations Manager to let her know. Be sure to include your team name and age. 

2024/25 League & Tournament Registration

Below, you’ll find an extensive list of leagues and tournaments in which we participate. Click on the appropriate links for registration and tournament or league info.


APL/ACELA Fall – Registration completed for you.

Central League – Fall registration completed for you.

ECNL Regional (Boys) – Registration completed for you

NAL (Boys) – Registration completed for you

ECNL/ECNL Regional (Girls) – Registration completed for you

EDP Futures – Registration completed for you

EDP League  Registration completed for you for all teams participating in the Fall. This is a full year league so teams participating in Fall are automatically registered for Spring. CLICK HERE to register for the Spring League only (not yet available).

MLS Next – Registration completed for you

YSC Winter (Indoors) – Not yet available


Summer/Fall Tournaments: (For tourney registration and check-in info, please see below.)

Penn Fusion Summer Classic – Registration completed for you

WestMont Battle at HillTop – Registration completed for you

Kick-Off Classic – Registration completed for you

Central League Festival – Registration completed for you

PA Classics Keystone Cup – Registration completed for you

Lou Ramos Intl. Classic – Registration completed for you

Explorer Cup

Western Lehigh Fall Fest

FC DELCO Fall Showcase (Girls)

FC DELCO Fall Showcase (Boys)

WAGS – Registration completed for you



Winter/Spring Tournaments: (For tourney registration and check-in info, please see below.)

Current ’24/’25 links not yet available for winter/spring events.

PA Classics Winter Showcase   (Boys Dec. 2-3, Girls Dec. 9-10)

Penn Fusion Winter Showcase   (Girls Feb. 17-19, Boys Feb. 23-25)

SUSA Girls Winter Showcase   (Feb. 23-25)

FC Europa Showcase   (March 2-3)

FC Europa Turf Cup – Girls   (March 2-3)

FC Europa Turf Cup – Boys   (March 9-10)

Jefferson Cup   (Boys March 2-3, Girls March 9-10, Girls Showcase March 15-17 , Boys Showcase March 22-24)

Baltimore Mania Boys   (March 16-17)

Baltimore Mania Girls   (March 23-24)

APL Showdown   (March 30)

Nether United Spring Invitational   (March 30)

FC DELCO Spring Invitational   (Boys April 27, Girls April 28)

PA Classics Challenger Invitational   (Girls May 6-7, Boys May 13-14)

YMS Epic   (May)

Reading Rage Flash   (May 18-19)

FC DELCO Players Cup   (May)

PA Classics Alliance Cup   (June 1-2)


Tournament & League Registration Instructions

After you are linked to your team GotSport account, you are ready to register for tournaments or leagues. Your Zone Director will share the Event List with you, and then you can go ahead, and apply. 

Steps for Applying:

  1. Check the Event List, provided by your Zone Director.
  2. Click the appropriate tournament or league links (above list) and follow the steps necessary to complete the application.
  3. Log in using your personal GotSport Account information. Your User ID is your email address.
  4. At this early stage, you are just registering your team entity for the event. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ENTERING SPECIFIC PLAYERS AT THIS POINT.
  5. You may have questions about your team history? Please direct those to your coach or Zone Director. 
  6. You will also want to discuss which level to place your team in with your coach or Zone Director.
  7. Click “pay by check” before submitting. Click ‘print application’ and save a PDF of your application – or take a screenshot – and forward the information to our Finance Director,Susan Panacek, who will take care of payment. 


*******Registration is not complete until Susan P. receives the application PDF!******* 

  1. A few weeks before the tournament, you will receive an email letting you know that your team has been accepted. You will, at this point, be able to see other teams who have been accepted.
  2. Once your team is accepted, you will receive an email from the Tournament Director asking you to check-in. This will again be completed through GotSport. You’ll be asked to provide your official roster and any other documents a tournament requires by a certain date. The tournament will provide instructions on how to do this. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out toSusan Hennelly, our Operations Manager. 
  3. The tournament may even ask you to have your players sign a COVID waiver, which you can share via TeamSnap. 
  4. Once everything is uploaded, you should be all set! You will receive a link to the schedule from the tournament director. Simply publish it to TeamSnap and you are a “go!”

Tournament Check-In

Registering for a tournament involves signing up your team entity (not specific players) for an event weeks or months in advance.

Checking-in for a tournament takes place about 2 weeks before the event and shows tourney officials which approved players are participating. It typically entails both inputting an EVENT roster and also uploading your OFFICIAL LEAGUE roster (and possibly player pass) PDFs. The EVENT roster includes any guest players and enables the tourney to generate game cards for referees. Your OFFICIAL LEAGUE roster proves your players are age appropriate. Since guest players are not on your OFFICIAL LEAGUE roster, passes for them also get uploaded to show they, too, are age appropriate.

There may be additional requirements such as completing a waiver or team info cover sheet. Tournaments will email specific check-in instructions to the team coach and manager. Completing the process generally only requires a couple of minutes.

Click HERE for instructions on building your EVENT roster.

Click HERE for instructions on uploading your OFFICIAL roster PDF.

All rosters now include the player’s picture except for ECNL and ECNL Regional teams. You may see that only the roster needs to be uploaded if it contains photos.


The FC DELCO OPERATIONS STAFF will handle scheduling referees for all HOME games through our Referee Assignor.

Referee fees are split between both opponents for ALL (home and away) league games. Referees are paid according to league guidelines and must be paid in cash and in the exact amount.

Your coach will submit a form for the appropriate amount to the club and be provided with the necessary funds. For a given game, it is good practice for the exact amount to be split between envelopes for the refs involved (Referee or Assistant Referee). The envelope should be marked with the date, your team name, the opponent and the amount included.

The number of referees for a game is determined by the team’s age. Specific structure and fees should be available on your league’s website.

Team Snap

League and Tournament Registration

Print Medical Release Forms

Field Schedule

Field Directions

Input Home Games (GotSport)

Change Game Info (GotSport)

Chat with Opponent (GotSport)

Roster/Match Card (leagues)

Club Pass Players

Report Game Score (GotSport)


Rothman Fast Scheduler

Financial Assistance

Club Handbook

Contact Staff