

FC DELCO Player and Parent Resources

Players and potential FC DELCO players: here you’ll find everything you need to play for our club.

How to Complete an Incomplete Tryout Registration

Thank you in advance for promptly completing your player’s tryout registration. Here are the steps:

1. Close your current browser.
2. Open your browser and refresh it. 
3. Click on the tryout link we provided.
4. You will be taken back to the first page where you will see the incomplete person/registration in yellow.
5. Click “continue.” You should now be able to finish the registration. 

Still stuck? Please email Susan

24/25 Tryout Registration


Player Accounts & Payments

Gear Shop

GOT Sport

Rothman Fast Scheduler

Player Health & Safety

Financial Assistance

Team Snap

Club Handbook

Non-Registered Player Waiver


Non-Registered Player Waiver


PS1 Player Status Form

USYS Medical Release

US Club

Non-Registered Player Waiver

R002-Y Registration